Terms & Conditions - Hartsfield Manor Skip to content


In these terms and conditions (“terms”) which apply to all bookings the expression “The Hotel “means Reigate Manor Hotel, Hadlow Manor Hotel or Hartsfield Manor Hotel, being trading names of CQK Limited, company number 656763, of CQK Limited, Lake House, Market Hill, Royston, SG8 9JN and “the Client” means the person/s, firm or company booking the hotel.

1. Booking Confirmation

1.1 We can hold a date provisionally for 7 days only. After this time the date will be released.

1.2 Any booking is provisional until the Hotel receives a signed copy of these terms from the Client or written confirmation of the booking from the Client which will be deemed to be the Client’s acceptance of these terms.

1.3 Any booking is provisional until the hotel receives the initial deposit as required in section 5. Payment of the deposit will also be deemed acceptance of these terms.

2. Event Numbers

2.1 Provisional minimum guest numbers will be required at the time of booking and the hotel’s minimum charge will be based on these numbers.

2.2 At least 21 days prior to arrival the Client will provide the Hotel with final guest numbers. The final charge to the client will be calculated using this number or the actual number attending whichever is greater, provided that the minimum charge is exceeded.

2.3 If the actual guest numbers attending a function is 90% or less of the final number booked, the Hotel may change the allocated function space.

2.4 When there is an evening buffet at weddings, 100% of additional evening guests must be catered for along with a minimum of 50% of the wedding breakfast guests.

2.5 For all evening events where catering is required, 100% of guests must be catered for that are attending the event.

3. Event Cancellation and Postponement

3.1 Cancellations or postponements for large Weddings, Conferences and Events (over 30 people/attendees based on minimum guest numbers), will result in the charges below becoming due. In each case, the percentage charge is based on the estimated total cost stated in the booking. All cancellations must be made in writing.

More than 12 months: 25%
6 – 12 months: 50%
3 – 6 months: 75%
1 – 3 months 90%
Less than 1 month: 100%

3.2 Cancellations or postponements of smaller Weddings, Conferences and Events (less than 30 people/attendees based on minimum guest numbers), will result in the charges below becoming due. In each case, the percentage charge is based on the estimated total cost stated in the booking. All cancellations must be made in writing.

More than 4 weeks: 25%
2-4 weeks: 50%
Less than 2 weeks: 100%

3.3 In addition to the charges payable in Clause 3.1 and 3.2 the Client agrees to reimburse the Hotel for any costs incurred by it occurring from any consequential cancellation of the Hotel’s arrangements with third parties associated with your contract.

3.4 The Client and the Hotel expressly agree that COVID-19 is a shared risk.

3.4.1 If government directives, local or national lockdowns, or any other enforcement actions associated with COVID-19 prevent the Wedding, Conference, or Event proceeding on the agreed date, the Hotel agrees to postpone the Wedding, Conference, or Event free of charge to any date prior to one year from the originally agreed date.

3.4.2 Any postponements after this date would be charged at the postponement rate in clause 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. Any such postponement will not lower the percentage of the cancellation or postponement charge already applicable before the postponement by virtue of the revised dates.

3.4.3 Should the Client elect to cancel the Wedding, Conference, or Event rather than agree on a postponement then the cancellation charges in clause 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 will apply based on the original date but will be reduced by 50% of the amount due to reflect the shared risk.

4. Changes and Cancellation by the Hotel

4.1 The Hotel may cancel the booking at any time if:

4.1.1 The Client is more than 7 days in arrears with any payment to the Hotel.

4.1.2 The Client becomes insolvent or in the case of an individual becomes subject to a bankruptcy petition.

4.1.3 If, in the sole discretion of the Hotel, the booking might damage the reputation of the Hotel.

4.1.4 Any part of the Hotel is closed or otherwise unavailable due to circumstances beyond the Hotel’s control (other than in respect of the events referred to in clause 3.4 which is dealt with under that clause).

4.1.5 The Hotel becomes insolvent.

4.2 In respect of clause 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 the cancellation charge in accordance clause 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 will apply. In respect of clause 4.1.3, 4.1.4 and 4.1.5 the Hotel will refund payments made but the Hotel would not have any other liability.

5. Deposit payments

5.1 For private banquets/parties/events/functions (under 30 people/attendees) a non-refundable deposit of 25% will be required at time of booking. Full settlement of the balance will be required 21 days prior to the event.

5.2 For private banquets/parties/events/functions (over 30 people/attendees) a non-refundable deposit of 25% will be required at time of booking. A second payment of 25% will be due 12 months prior to the date. A third 25% deposit will be due 6 months prior to the date. Full settlement of the balance will be required 21 days prior to the event.

5.3 For weddings a non-refundable deposit of £1500 will be required at time of booking. A second 25% is required 12 months prior to the event. A third 25% deposit will be due 6 months prior to the date. Full settlement of the balance will be required 14 days prior to the event.

5.4 For bedrooms, conferences, meetings or corporate events a non-refundable deposit of 25% will be required at time of booking with full settlement of the balance paid on or before departure by credit/debit card unless credit facilities have been arranged in advance. Where credit facilities have been agreed payments should be made in sterling within 28 days of the invoice date.

6. Prices and Payment

6.1 Prices quoted are subject to variation up to 12 weeks prior to arrival after which, except for variations due to Client requirements, they may only vary due to changes in Value Added Tax or other reasons outside the Hotel’s control in which case they will be notified to the Client.

6.2 The Client agrees to pay the Hotel in full for any additional food, beverage or other services requested by, or on behalf of, the Client.

6.3 Payment is by cash, cheque, bankers draft, BACS, on-line banking transfer or such debit/credit cards as are recognised by the Hotel.

6.4 All sums payable under this agreement are due for payment on presentation of the invoice. For Clients having an approved credit account, payments should be made in sterling within 14 days of the invoice date.

6.5 In the event of any query on part of the invoice, the Client must notify the Hotel within 7 days of the invoice date and must settle that part of the invoice not queried on the due date. The part queried (suitably adjusted where necessary) will be due as soon as the problem is resolved.

6.6 The Hotel reserves the right to charge interest at a rate of 1.5% per month or part thereof above bank base rate on any outstanding balance and reserves the right to charge all recovery costs.

6.7 The Hotel reserves the right to charge an additional amount should the Client wish to use the Hotel outside the agreed hours.

7. Corkage

7.1 No wines, spirits, beers or food may be brought into the Hotel or its grounds by the Client, guests or representatives for consumption or sale on the premises without the express written consent of the Hotel and for which a charge may be made by the Hotel and indemnity forms required.

8. Bedroom Terms and Conditions

8.1 Check-in is from 2.00pm and access to bedroom accommodation cannot be guaranteed before 2.00pm on the day of your arrival. All residents should vacate their bedroom accommodation no later than 11.00am on the day of departure, otherwise, a late check-out fee will be charged.

8.2 Our cancellation policy for a single reservation or up to 3 bedrooms is at 4.00pm the day before arrival. Should a reservation be cancelled after this time, the full price of the first night’s stay will be charged. Guests booking a discounted Advance Purchase/Pre Paid or Non Refundable rate will be required to pay the full price at the time of booking, these reservations are non-refundable and non-transferable.

8.3 Bookings of 4 or more bedroom nights will be regarded as a group booking. Cancellation must be made on or before the timescale outlined below or the full cost of the stay will be charged. At this time a full rooming list will be required and a deposit of 25% will be required unless credit facilities have been arranged in advance.

4 – 10 bedroom nights – 7 days before arrival date
11 – 20 bedroom nights – 14 days before arrival date
21 or more bedroom nights – 28 days before arrival date

8.4 Bedroom bookings for weddings, conferences and private events are booked on an individual basis, therefore a credit or debit card is required to guarantee these bookings. The same cancellation terms apply, as in clause 8.2

8.5 Bedroom Bookings which require a Private function room or a private bar which has been contractually agreed will be classified as an Event and fall until section 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.

8.6 All reservations must be guaranteed with a credit or debit card at time of booking and are not confirmed until this point.

8.7 In the event of a ‘no-show’, the full bedroom charge will be incurred.

8.8 Credit/debit card details obtained at booking will act as a guarantee and be kept securely on file. Should any further charges arise for damages, smoking, or bar/restaurant dockets not put through, the credit/debit cardholder will be liable for payment.

9. Etiquette and Controls

9.1 The Hotel reserves the right to judge acceptable levels of noise or behaviour of the Client, guests or representatives and the Client shall take all necessary steps for corrective action. In the event of failure to comply with management requests, the Hotel reserves the right to terminate the booking or stop an event without being liable for any refund or compensation.

9.2 It is the Hotel’s policy not to discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, creed, sex, marital status, ethnic origin or disability. The Client, its guests and all subcontractors engaged by or on behalf of the Client are expected to adhere to this policy and the Hotel reserves the right without incurring any liability to the Client to remove from the Hotel any person or persons offending against this policy.

9.3 The Hotel and the events it hosts are subject to statutory controls including those relating to fire, licensing and entertainment and must be strictly observed by Clients and their guests and representatives. If for any reason an event is closed by an outside official source the Hotel will not be liable for compensation in any way.

9.4 The Hotel is a non-smoking area and should Clients, their guests or subcontractors smoke in bedrooms or any other area the full cost of cleaning will be charged, subject to a minimum £250 charge. A designated smoking area is available outside the Hotel.

9.5 The Hotel only permits the use of Natural Petal confetti (biodegradable) and this us for outdoor use only. Any other confetti is strictly not permitted to be used.

9.6 The Hotel reserves the right to use photographs for internal use and marketing on social media channels.

9.7 The Hotel does not allow pets (unless guide dogs) and if a pet damages the Hotel the full cost of cleaning and repairing the rooms affected will be charged, subject to a minimum £250 charge.

9.8 Access will be available 30 minutes prior to the start time of the event. Any Client wishing to gain earlier access should contact the Events Office to see if this can be arranged.

10. Outside Services

10.1 Prior consent of the Hotel must be received for any entertainment or services contracted by the Client.

10.2 Prior consent of the Hotel must be received for any display to be fixed and all displays must comply with statutory codes and regulations.

10.3 No external food or drink suppliers will be allowed at the Hotels unless a corkage fee has been agreed prior to their arrival.

11. Liabilities

11.1 Other than for death or personal injury caused by negligence the Hotel its manager and staff will not be liable for any loss, damage or expense to any person or thing however caused.

11.2 Unless the Hotel is liable under clause 11.1 the Client agrees to indemnify the Hotel from and against any and all liability and claims, costs, demands, proceedings and damages resulting or arising from the booked event or function, the Client, its guests and any outside contractors.

11.3 The Client is responsible for any damage caused to the Hotel or its property by any act default or neglect of the Client, its guests or subcontractors and shall pay to the Hotel on demand the amount required to make good or remedy any such damage. This includes bedrooms.

11.4 The Hotel cannot accept liability for any loss or damage to any property of the Client, their guests or subcontractors. Cloakrooms are provided for the convenience of customers but any goods are deposited at the owner’s risk and without any liability to the Hotel.

11.5 The Hotel cannot accept liability for any loss or damage to any wedding property of the Client, their guests or subcontractors. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure any gifts or cards are removed or taken at the end of the event

11.6 Complaints should be made in written form to the Hotel Manager or Events Office within 7 days of an event for review.

12. Insurance

12.1 After all of this you might well consider it worthwhile arranging some insurance. This can be done for a very small premium and can cover the cost of cancellation and other liabilities. Any contract of insurance should be made by you directly with the insurance company.

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